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<b>With All Behind The Scenes At The End Of The Movie</b><br><br>Serena Morgan is 18 and can’t believe that she’s still a virgin! But life hasn’t happened the way she thought it would. There never ended up being that special guy in her life who wanted to make it a special event. Guys always wanted to get fucked up and bang. She never found one who wanted to do anything special to take her virginity.<br>Chatting with a friend who knew she was still a virgin, she suggested Serena go to “The Virginity Clinic” if she really wanted to lose her virginity in a way more special than horrible sloppy sex. <br>She explained that Doctor Tampa ran a special clinic out of his house where in exchange for Serena submitting to an examination before and after her virginity was taken, the doctor would take her virginity in a way that would at least be memorable! It was how she had lost her virginity! She assured Serena it was completely safe as the doctor provided STD testing and birth control; unlike th
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